London Scholarship

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Author Avatar Author: jennifergjonson7


As a registered charity, Launch22 aims at providing entrepreneurs from all walks of life the same opportunity to succeed. We have created a “scholarship program”, around three main focuses:

  • Targeting local areas: Launch22 incubators will open in the areas that need them the most, where entrepreneurship is most likely to help alleviate unemployment and reliance on benefits.

  • Networking: providing for free an environment for entrepreneurs to build-up the connections they need to start up their business.

  • Mentoring and supporting: providing, as part of the scholarship program, workshops and mentoring on a regular basis to enhance their confidence and give them technical business knowledge.


(though we welcome all applications, and still consider them on a case-by-case basis):

  • In receipt of at least one benefit or tax credit

    • Provide benefit or tax credit award notice and proof that the person is still getting benefits or tax credits.

    • Example of benefits considered: Income Support, Job Seeker Allowance

  • Unemployed

    • Provide P45 or a letter from the last employer confirming that the person is not employed in the company anymore.

  • Supported by another charity/organisation

    • Get in touch with us through the charity/organisation’s social workers, to arrange a meeting.

    • If you have exited the program already, provide a reference from the charity/organisation’s social worker (the one supervising you) and details on the program itself.

*Please note that entrepreneurs seeking funding, holding a post-graduate degree and current full-time students are exempt from the scholarship program.

Recruitment Process:

  1. The applicant will fill in an application form, and provide any other relevant materials they feel necessary (this could include a draft business plan, for example).

  2. Launch22 Staff and external sources/mentors, will review the applicant based on their application/additional provided material

  3. Successful candidates will be invited to Launch22 for an informal interview; the interview panel may include possible external supporters of the program, mentors and Launch22 staff.

  4. Candidates will be selected and assigned a designated mentor whom they will have regular meetings with; these meetings must be documented.

*The Launch22 scholarship scheme works on a 3-month rolling contract and the position of the scholar is re-assessed at the end of each period.